På fjerdeplass!
Shakeloose er flink til hage og har nylig laget det flott til utenfor inngangspartiet. Men det var den nyinnkjøpte grillen som fikk all fokus dette året, og blomster måtte vike. Dommerene var likevel imponert over den flotte grillen og at de kunne forsyne seg med pølser. Det er grunnen til at Shakeloose kom på en god fjerdeplass i hagekonkurransen.
Also this time the garden experts were shocked when they came to a new garden. Today they were at John Shakeloose house. Ask Gråhatt had to take off his hat of shock: It was no garden, only a a giant
Shakeloose is a good garderen but, this year he had different prioritets. He bought himselves a new and big grill. After the big buy, he had to cut down on other coast, like flowers. purchaise, for garden and has recently made it great for the outside entrance. The judges were nevertheless impressed by the great barbecue and that they could provide sausages. That's why Shakeloose came in on a good fourth place in the garden competition.
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