FC Lego City inviterer deg til prøvespilling! / FC Lego City invites you to a try out!
Datoen for prøvespillingen er satt til 8. August og Lego News skal dekke saken bredt. Direktør i fotballklubben, Martha Aveiro (091), lover at banen skal være ryddet for anleggsarbeidere.
Vet du om noen som kunne tenkt seg å prøvespille?
FC Lego City stil lack players. The new manager invites you to try out for the team. This is your big shot!
The try ous will be on August 8th and Lego News will cover it. CEO of FC Lego City promises that the pitch will be lceard of costructions workers.
Do you know about any who wants to try out?
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