Hva har dere på grillen, ny-innflyttere? / What do new people BBQ?
Stadig flytter nye innbyggere til, og de ser ut til å trives godt i byen. Vi luktet grilling hos de nyinnflyttede Odd Graaland og Inga Mollinga Friend. Hva har de på grillen mon tru?
PIZZA. Paret grillet pizza. En ny trend er visst å steke pizza på grillen. Men paret hadde ikke tid til å lage pizzaen fra bunnen av, så de bestilte den halvstekt fra The Pizza Shop. For å få "BBQ-følelsen" og følge trenden, slang de den på grillen.
New residents are moving into Lego City, and they seem to like it here. We smelled BBQ, and this time we went to one of the new couple in town, the layer Odd Graaland and Inga Mollinga Friend. What are they on the grill? Is it something new? We was suprised: They grilled Pizza.The couple has a beautiful outdoor deck, and Inga is enjoing a glass of champanje. But they have no time for cooking, so they ordered pizza from Pizza Shop. A new trend is to make pizza on the grill. The couple had no time for making the pizza, so they had to order it from the Pizza Shop. Then they put it on the grill to get the BBQ-feeling.
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