Dramatikk på Rådhuset / Drama at City Hall
Torsdag forrige uke (sak her) kunne Lego News melde om nok et storinnkjøp til Lego Police. Politisjef Jack Norman (002) og Borgemester Mulligan (001) var fornøyde. Lærerinne Sofie Kano (062), var derimot misfornøyd. Så misfornøyd at hun stormet inn på Rådhuset for å snakke med Borgemesteren. Vi i Lego News fulgte henne hakk i hel. Men da vi kom opp på Borgemesterens kontor ble vi vitne til noe uventet.
Kano storming into the City Hall. |
The Mayor and the Police Chief was shocked to see Kano. |
Kano put into arrest. |
Thursday last week (case here), Lego News could announce another large purchases to Lego Police. Police Chief Jack Norman (002) and Mayor Mulligan (001) were pleased. Teacher Sofie Kano (062), on the other hand, was angry. So angry that she stormed into the City Hall to talk to the Mayor. We in Lego News followed her. But when we arrived at the Mayors office, we witnessed something unexpected.
Teacher Kano stormed into the Mayors office. Then she found the Mayor and the Police chief cheering in Champanje. They were shocked when Kano stormed into the office and didnt like the disturbance.The mayor did not want to listen to what Kano wanted to say, and called his bodyguards.
The bodyguards (who are in a separate budget outside of the regular police budget) were quickly on the spot. Sofie Kano was than arrested. Mayor and Chief of Police could then return to their champagne celebration.
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