Abstrakt kunst nedover trapper

I dag klokken 10.00 åpnet dørene til Ginas kunstutstilling. Gina Watson (047) kan melde om et forrykende salg: "Maleriene mine var abstrakte og er fargerike. Det er nok det som tiltrakk seg kjøpere". 
 One of the first to buy a painting was the daughter of the Mayor, Solveig Mulligan (016). She loves pink and quickly found a painting she liked. 
Det var flere prominente kunder som sikret seg malerier. Løpende på vei ned trappen møtte vi Eric Myers (088). Han hadde et stor smil fordi han hadde sikret seg et nydelig maleri. 

Eric Myers happy about his new painting. 
Også kinosjefen Leah Lee (021) hadde sikret seg et av Ginas abstrakte kunstverk. Maleriet var et praktstykke, og det var ikke lett å frakte maleriet. Politet måtte trå til, og det så ut til ag det skulle gå galt. Men lego City har en fantastisk politistyrke og maleriet kom til slutt trygt ned trappen og hjem til kinosjefen. 

Leah Lee and the police are trying to get the big painting down the stairs. 

Today at 10.00 am. the doors opened to Gina's art exhibition. Gina Watson (047) can report of a fantastic sale: "My paintings were abstract and colorful. That's what attracted buyers."
There were several prominent customers who bought paintings. On the way down the stairs we met Eric Myers (088). He had a big smile and was happy about his painting. 
Also the movie director Leah Lee (021) had secured one of Gina's abstract artwork. But the painting was big and not easy to move. Especially was it difficult to get it down the stairs. The police had to help. Lego City has a great police force and the painting finally came down the stairs safely and home to the cinema owner.


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