5 om.. Hvem er Brick Gossips skribent?
5 om.. Hvem er den nye skrivbenten i Lego News? Hvem er det som spionerer og skriver sladder om byens innbyggere? Vi har spurt fem tilfeldige på gaten. Hvem tror de at det er?
Først ut til å komme med sine tanker var Martha Aveiro (091). Hun trodde det kanskje er Terry Bull (074): "Han er stadig ute å kjører med EL-bilen sin. Bilen går veldig stille, så han har lett for å liste seg rundt uten at noen hører".
Martha Aveiro (091) sweeps in front of her garage door |
Victoria Myers (087) scouts after the gossip writer. |
Tony Muller (070) sitting alone outside AL's Lego Pool and Bar. |
Bank Receptionist Mary Johnson (075) at the Brick Bank. |
Driver Douglas Kapsel (025). |
5 about .. Who writes the column Brick
Gossip? Who
is the spy? We have asked five on the street. Who do they think it is? First out, was
Martha Aveiro (091). She thought it might be Terry Bull (074): "He's always driving
his electric car. His car is very quiet so he's easy to move around."
Victoria Myers (087) thinks it's rather
disgusting that someone is spying in the city. She says she is standing outside
her store all the time to look for who it may be. She has a theory
that it may be John Shakeloose (006): "He's in town all the time to buy
ice cream. I do not think that's the only reason."
There have been few customers at AL`s
Lego Pool and Bar after Roy Kano (061) was unlucky photographed (you can read
the story here). But Tony Muller (070) is not afraid to get hos photography
taken: "I can I choose any table I
want " And he thinks Britney Warden (056) is the writer:
"She was unemployed a time ago, after the tram crashed into the traffic
light. I think she was offered the position." (You can read about the crash here).
Bank Receptionist Mary Johnson (075) says
she loves the new column! She thinks the writer is Mayor Mulligan (001), but she does not
want to say why.
We also asked bus driver Douglas Capsule
(025). He
can tell that he hears a lot of gossip on the bus. The top story is who the writer
is: "The last thing I've heard is that it may be the new inhabitant Tina
B. Riverbank (100). She came to town right before the column started ".
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