Rotteproblemer løst! / Ratproblems solved!
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Lego City News melde om grufulle, stinkende og forsøplede bakgater. (dette
innlegget). Et overvåkningskamera fanget opp gjerningspersonene og BorgemesterMulligan (001) var raskt på saken (dette innlegget). I dag kunne borgemesteren
annonsere at de hadde funnet en løsning på rotteproblemene.
Tina Norman Weng viser stolt frem de nye søppeldunkene. / Tina Norman
Weng shows the new trashcans.
A surveillance camera quickly caught up the perpetrators
and Mayor Mulligan (001) was wanted to get rid of the problem. (this post).
Today, the mayor could announce that the rat-problem was resolved.
The solution was bigger and more solid garbage cans. Today,
the garbage cans have arrived the city and placed in strategic places. The dunk
is made by a anti-rat- material and are painted with a color rats don’t like. New
research shows that the color blue, is a color rats steer away from. The lid is
solid and heavy, and you need to use muscle force to lift it.
Store Manager Nina Jones (083) is pleased with the final
solution to the problem: "We have received a double solution. The can is locked
in a separate room outside the store. The rats can’t get inside this building,
and if they do – they can’t get inside the can!”
Pizzabaker Tina Norman Weng (023) is also very happy. But
she leaves the lid open while her restaurant is open. "I go so much back
and forth to throw garbage. The lid is too heavy for me to lift so I must have it
open. So far, this works terrific”, laughs Weng.
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