Slagsmål på bar / Fight in a bar!

Fight at Lego Pool and bar
Breaking News! Sent i går kveld brøt det ut et stort slagsmål i Lego Pool and Bar på Lego Square. Overvåkningskamera viser at kampen var mellom anleggsarbeidere og den italianske A-crew som driver stedet. Politiet var raskt på stedet og gikk inn med full styrke. "Vi spilte billiard og koste oss med noen øl da italienerne angrep oss." sier anleggsarbeider og slosskjempe Daniel Andersom (009).

Politiet møtte mannsterke opp. / Police came with full force
Breaking News! Late tonight a huge fight broke out in the Lego Pool and Bar on Lego Square. As surveillance footage showed, the fight was between some construction workers and the Italian A-crew that run the place. Police responded quickly and went in with full force to stop the fight from escalating. “We were playing pool and enjoying some bears when the Italian guys came at us. We were just defending ourselves”, says construction worker and fighter Daniel Anderson (009)


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