Kapsel vinner den første utgaven av Lego City Tour / Kapsel wins the first edition of Lego City Tour
Fra venstre/ from left: Robert Anderson (013), Reodor Kapsel (015), Storm Copper (036). |
Starten: Feltet på den først av de mange rundene i byen. / The start: The peloton on the first lap through town. |
Rittet endte med en høydramatisk avslutning der Reodor
Kapsel (015) trakk det lengste strået. Sykkelreperatøren angrep i bakken over
broa på sisterunden og var først i mål på Lego Street. «Dette er herlig», sa
Kapsel da han kom i mål.
Reodor Kapsel (015) angriper på broa. / Reodor Kapsel (015) attacking on the birdge. |
Beviset: Her krysser Kapsel målstreket først. / The evidence: Kapsel crosses the line first. |
The first
edition of the Lego City Tour was held today. Lego City Tour is hosted by Lego City
and is a One day race in the street of the city. Many had turned up to meet the
The Race
ended in a dramatich finish as Reodor Kapsel (015) edged out his opponents. The
Bike repair man attacked on the bridge on the last lap and managed to hold the
lead to the end.
Mulligan (001) calls the race a big success as he confirms that Kapsel won: “The
other were behind. I was on the finish line with my son and my body guard. We
all agree. Kapsel was first.
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