Bil på vei utfor stupet / Car heading off the bridge
Det var noen dramatiske timer i formiddag i Lego City. En
bil hadde kjørt ut av veien og var på vei utfor brua. Med venstre forhjul
utenfor måtte alle byens nødetater rykke ut. I fem timer var brua stengt da de
forsøkte å berge både passasjer og bil fra å falle i elven.
Brannmenn i samarbeid med politiet klarte å få parkert ved
siden av brua, og sendte opp mannskap ved hjelp av en stige. De klarte å redde
ut den forskrekkede damen. Årsaken til
ulykken er enda ikke kjent, men mye tyder på at politiet har en viss anelse. Lara Mulligan Toft sier følgende til Lego News: «Vi kan enda ikke
komme med noe mer informasjon, men føreren var mer opptatt av telefonen sin enn
veien. Føreren har hatt englevakt. Hun kom fra ulykken med mindre skader. Men
hun blir likevel kjørt til sykehuset for å undersøkes nærmere».
Føreren av bilen var JoanneBigali (067) som var på vei hjem fra en venninne. / the driver was Joanne
Bigali (067). She was driving home from visiting her girlfriend.
Brua vil være stengt på ubestemt tid mens opprydningsarbeidet pågår. I
følge politiet vil det bli satt inn ferjer mens bruen er stengt.
ved ubestemt tid. / Roadblock in indefinitely time.
There were some dramatic hours in the
morning rush in Lego City. A car had almost ran out the road on the bridge. The left front wheel was outside the bridge. For five hours the bridge was
closed as they tried to salvage both passenger and car from falling into the
river. The police were notified and arrived at the scene shortly after. The accident happened close to the police station.
Next Chief of the police, Lara Mulligan Toft (011) tells Lego News that "when we
arrived on site, the situation was unclear. It took some time before we managed
to figure out how to save the woman out of the car. Luckily the firemen in the
city are creative and we have a good cooperation. We decided to extend a ladder
while the rescue vehicle ensured that the car would not topple off the bridge.
Firefighters, in cooperation with the
police, managed to park next to the bridge, sending up crew using a
ladder. They managed to save out the frightened lady. The cause of the accident
is not yet known, but there are indications that the police have a certain
idea. Lara Mulligan Toft says following to Lego News: "We cannot yet come
up with any more information, but we can say that the driver was more concerned
with her phone, than the road. The driver was lucky. She came from the accident
with minor injuries. But she is still taken to the hospital to be examined
further. "
The bridge will be closed for a while during cleanup. According to police, it will be engaged ferries while the
bridge is closed.
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